Apprenticeship Framework

There are three different levels of Apprenticeship available nationwide. The level you start at will depend on current qualifications and the opportunities available in the chosen sector.

  • Intermediate Apprenticeships – Level 2
    (equivalent to five good GCSE passes). Provides you with the skills and qualifications for your chosen career and allow entry to an advanced apprenticeship.
  • Advanced Apprenticeships – Level 3
    (equivalent to two A Level passes). To start this programme, you should have at least five good GCSEs (grade *A-C) or have completed an Intermediate Apprenticeship. This will provide you with the skills and qualifications you need for your career and allow entry to a higher apprenticeship or degree level qualification.
  • Higher Apprenticeships – Level 4 & 5
    (equivalent to a Foundation Degree which could be topped up to an Honours degree). To start this programme, you should have a Level 3 qualification like A Levels or have completed an Advanced Apprenticeship.
  • The technical certificate demonstrates achievement of the technical skills, knowledge and understanding related to the wider industry.
  • A range of transferable skills (we use Functional skills) including English, Maths, ICT and personal learning and thinking skills such as working with others, improving own learning and problem solving. If you have already achieved GCSEs in English, Maths and/or ICT, you might be able to use these to count towards the achievement of your Apprenticeship.
  • The competency qualification shows you can perform well in your job or profession.
  • Employee Rights and Responsibilities (ERR) demonstrate that you know and understand areas such as employment related legislation and health and safety.

All apprenticeships will include elements of on the job and off the job training leading to industry recognised standards or qualifications.

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